environmental education

Snow - 5 Fun Activities For Winter

Snow - 5 Fun Activities For Winter

So it’s snowing outside, and your homeschooled child is slumping over their science workbook inside, pulling faces. Or maybe its the weekend and your family needs to get outside for some fun and mental stimulation.

We hear you!

One of the greatest challenges for parents is figuring out how to keep their kids engaged. While the answer may be simple (make learning fun, make play educational) the application of that idea… not so simple.

Pinecones: 9 Fun Family Activities

Pinecones: 9 Fun Family Activities

Pinecones come from pine trees but all conifer trees make cones. Cedar and spruce trees also make cool cones.

  • There are 49 species of native pine trees in North America.

  • Pinecones may have different shapes and sizes depending on tree species

  • Pinecones protect pine tree seeds from extreme weather.

  • It may take more than 10 years for a pinecone to naturally fall out of a tree.

  • The best time to look for pinecones is autumn.

Trees - 5 Great Family Nature Activities

Trees - 5 Great Family Nature Activities

Social distancing does not mean you have to lock yourself in the house, close the curtains and hunker down. It means do not hang out with other humans. Flowers and trees, birds and animals, rocks and stars… these guys are your new best friends! In this blog, you will be introduced to some fun and creative ways to learn more about trees.