Grow Brussels Sprouts in Zone 6B

Grow Brussels Sprouts in Zone 6B

Brussels Sprouts have a bad reputation as being ‘yucky’ from consumers and hard to grow for gardeners. However, this member of the Brassica family is a great addition to your garden.

I struggled with growing Brussels sprouts for years and made some major mistakes. And I wouldn't dare take any of what I grew to the farmers market…

Buying Guide: Indoor Plant Lights For Vegetables and Fruits

Buying Guide: Indoor Plant Lights For Vegetables and Fruits

Buying supplemental lights for your plants can be confusing. They come in a variety of colors - the spectrum color not the decor color - and a variety of lighting bulbs.

This guide will walk you through what all those different terms mean and how to figure out what type of light you need for what you plan to grow.

10 Fabulous Container Ideas for Urban Gardening

10 Fabulous Container Ideas for Urban Gardening

Containers are a fabulous way to grow plants. They can be used in small spaces, maximize growing space, and are efficient. Containers also add beauty to a patio, window, or walkway.

Let’s think beyond the typical ceramic pot. There are a lot of new stylish designs out there that are good for your plants and your budget!

Growing The Best Corn in Zone 6B

Growing The Best Corn in Zone 6B

Who can resist sweet corn on the cob at a summer barbeque? How about a bowl of home-grown popcorn for movie night? Corn is a great addition to any garden.

Corn does require a bit of extra care to protect it against pests and disease. Unfortunately, lots of our wildlife friends and those pesky insects love corn too!

Growing Asparagus Year After Year in Zone 6

Growing Asparagus Year After Year in Zone 6

Asparagus is a fantastic early spring delicacy full of vitamins. It can be pricey at the grocery store, so growing your own is a good way to save money. Asparagus takes one to three years to establish itself before it is ready to harvest - but it’s proof that delicious things come to those who wait!

Growing Winter Squash in USDA Zone 6B

Growing Winter Squash in USDA Zone 6B

Winter squashes and pumpkins are one of my favorite foods to grow in the garden. There is nothing better to celebrate the start of autumn than going out to your patch to pick some squash and pumpkins!

Squashes germinate quickly and produce robust plants. Growing pumpkins is also a great activity to do with kids who might get impatient waiting for slower plants like carrots or peppers to come up.

Humidity Guide For Indoor Plants

Humidity Guide For Indoor Plants

Controlling humidity in the home is important for your plant’s health. High levels of humidity promote bacteria, molds, and mildew. Not enough humidity causes plants to dehydrate quickly and possibly suffer cell damage.

When I moved from Kentucky (Zone 6B) to Wisconsin (Zone 5A) last year I realized how important humidity was. Last winter the humidity in my apartment dropped from a summer average of 60% to a winter average of 16%.